What is an Incident Report

An incident report – sometimes referred to as an accident report – is a document that gets filled out when someone is injured on commercial property or in some other type of accident.

There are a variety of different situations in which someone may need to fill out an incident report.

An example would be an employee that gets injured on the job. His or her employer has a legal responsibility to complete an incident report outlining the details of the accident.

Another example would include law enforcement or security officials responding to the scene of an injury or accident. That official must complete an incident report stating the facts surrounding that accident.

A third example would be any type of healthcare facility, including hospitals and nursing homes. In the event that a patient is injured, that facility must complete an incident report to officially record what transpired.

What Is an Incident Report Used For?

In the event that liability is examined relating to an accident, the incident report will be referenced as evidence; therefore, it is extremely important that an incident report is completed in as much detail as possible following any type of injury.

For example, if you were injured in a grocery store parking lot due to management being negligent, you may choose to explore legal channels to recover compensation. It is for that reason that you should try to obtain a copy of the completed incident report for your personal injury attorney.

When Should an Incident Report Be Completed?

Whether you are,

  • a patient at a hospital,
  • a customer in a hotel or grocery store,
  • an employee at a job site,
  • or the victim of a car accident,

an incident report should be completed immediately following any type of injury.

Laws pertaining to reporting times vary between states, so it is a good idea to make sure one is completed as soon as possible following the accident.

What Is Included in an Incident Report?

Different organizations will have different incident reports to complete. In the unlikely event that you were injured and an incident report is not available to complete, you would still be wise to document all the facts surrounding the incident as soon as possible. Put everything you can in writing.

In most cases, the following details should be included in the report. Remember to be as specific as possible.

  • The date, time, and location of the incident.
  • Your name and contact details.
  • The names of any witnesses.
  • What exactly you saw happen.

It is extremely important in an incident report that everything written down is objective and factual; do not include hearsay or what you speculate might have happened.

For instance, if a police officer is taking your statement for an incident report, you only want to go on record stating exactly what you saw. If you saw a collision happen, it would be fine to state that the white car rear-ended the red car. If, on the other hand, you only heard the accident, you should not speculate as to who hit whom.

Consulting with a Personal Injury Attorney

If you were the victim of a slip and fall accident or were injured in some other way while on the job, in a car, or on commercial property, you may be entitled to financial compensation.

Your local “Attorney Big Al” would love to represent you and fight for justice on your behalf! That being said, a key component to your personal injury claim will rest upon the facts stated in the incident report.

If the negligent party – for example, the grocery store manager – is unwilling to provide you with a copy of the incident report, do not be alarmed. If you have a case, a personal injury attorney may be able to subpoena that document at a later point in time.

Either way, it is best to get your claim started by engaging in a free consultation with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys. Consultations are freely available by calling 1-800-HURT-123.

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