What is TBI?

In this short post, we will be reviewing traumatic brain injury (TBI) including its causes, effects, and possible long-term consequences.

Unfortunately, your local “Attorney Big Al” has seen far too many victims of TBI each year. The results can be devastating both for the victim and his or her family, and the cause of the injury is often avoidable

Please note that this article is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have sustained any sort of injury to your head, it is best to seek medical attention from your doctor immediately.

What Is TBI?

TBI stands for traumatic brain injury. It is a type of head injury that is focused in the brain. A head injury itself may refer to damage to the scalp or skull, while TBI refers to damage done directly to the brain.

How Severe Is TBI?

The severity of TBI ranges widely between victims. A more mild head injury might only result in a headache or temporary disorientation, while more severe accidents could results in amnesia, coma, or death.

It is up to a medical professional to assess not only if you have sustained TBI, but the severity of it, as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), TBI results in more than one million visits to American emergency rooms each year.

Even worse, 50,000 Americans die each year as a direct result of TBI.

Any time an accident results in an injury to your head, it is extremely important that your injury is fully assessed by a doctor.

What Causes TBI?

In most cases, TBI is the result of a sudden blow to the head. The force of the blow causes the human brain to suddenly collide with the inside of the skull. This causes bruising and tears to the brain tissue, which often results in bleeding.

These sorts of violent cranial impacts are most often the result of falls, physical violence, motor vehicle accidents, and even gunshots.

Symptoms Associated with TBI

One of the greatest challenges with TBI is that an affected person may look and behave totally normal for days or weeks after the injury occurs.

Of course, it is always best to have a medical professional assess you for signs and symptoms of TBI after any type of injury to your head.

Some of the most common signs and symptoms include:

  • Bruising, pain and swelling
  • Fatigue, confusion and disorientation
  • Dizziness and slow reaction times
  • Nausea, headaches and tinnitus
  • Photosensitivity or loss of smell and taste
  • Moodiness and sleep pattern changes
  • Short- & Long-Term Consequences of TBI

Following an accident that caused traumatic injury to the brain, several complications could occur. These complications include:

  • Coma
  • Seizures
  • Infections
  • Nerve damage
  • Cognitive problems

These complications tend to occur in more severe instances of TBI.

It should be noted, however, that long-term complications can also be incredibly severe. In some cases, these complications will not show any signs or symptoms until later in life.

For example, the CDC reports that 2 percent of the American population lives with disabilities related to TBI. Those living with TBI are at greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. As well, TBI has also been linked to long-term depression.

If You Have Been Diagnosed with TBI

If you have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, we wish to offer you our deepest sympathies.

It is worth noting that you and your loved ones may be entitled to compensation.

If your TBI was the result of negligence, you may be entitled to compensation, including lost wages and medical bills. Our team of experienced personal injury attorneys would be able to discuss your injury with you, and let you know whether or not you may have a claim.

Consultations are always free, and you do not pay your local “Attorney Big Al” unless he recovers money for you.

Your TBI may be permanent, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it. Call 1-800-HURT-123 today to learn more about what we can do for you.

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